Official PC Game Pass Giveaway on Keymailer

[This Will be the Terms and Conditions of the giveaway. You are responsible for insuring your giveaway complies with relevant local regulations.]

Terms and Conditions of Entry

Campaign: Xbox Game Studios Official PC Game Pass Giveaway on Keymailer giveaway

Promoter: Xbox Game Studios

Statement of fairness and responsibility: this giveaway follows and complies with major regulatory authorities' guidelines.

Safety: the Promoter believes all products available in this giveaway are safe and should cause no harm to consumers or their property.

Alcoholic drinks are not featured in this giveaway.

It is the Promoters belief that there are no socially undesirable elements to this giveaway that would cause excessive consumption or irresponsible use.

Availability: The promoter understands that the potential target group is larger than the current number of games available and draws to the attention of any potential participants that they are not guaranteed to get a game if all games have been given away already.

No purchase required: no purchase or another requirement is placed on the participant.

Adequate resources: the Promoter believes they have put in place adequate resources to operate this giveaway fairly and responsibly.

Notification: participants should be notified within minutes by email regarding the availability of games and confirmation of whether and which game they have received.

Marketing communications: participants may receive marketing communications from the Promoter.

How to participate: participants should go to the giveaway webpage, enter their name and email address and click Enter Giveaway. There are no other requirements, other than they may only register once.

Start date: 26 January 2024

Closing date for registrations: 19 February 2024

Closing date for claiming game key codes: links email to participants for claiming game key codes will be valid until 26 February 2024. 

Complete giveaway: this giveaway is designed to make all game keys eligible and the promoter intends that all game keys will be given away by the end of the promotion.

Restrictions: this giveaway is restricted to participants who live in jurisdictions where game giveaways are legal and permitted. The giveaway may only be entered via the internet on the web page for the giveaway.

Fair claims: although registrations should confer a key, eligibility to enter the giveaway and successful registration do not guarantee the participant will receive a game if the stock has run out. 

Please contact [email protected] if you believe any of the statements in these terms are not correct or fair.